A Year in the Life {Squared}

Curtis Fall 2018 (155)

Well, the twins turned one.

It might be obvious to anyone looking at a before and after photo of our family, but it took a long time for my brain to wrap around going from 4 to 6 kids. It might still be wrapping.

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The reality is there are so many different aspects of the changes to our family, to my role as a mom, and so I have just been trying to go slow, have grace for myself and others, and adjust to these changes. Almost daily, I think through what I hope to accomplish, and then somewhere around 11 am I realize I’m going to have to reset those expectations. Those would have fit with 4 kids all in school, but they don’t fit with twin teething babies or sleep deprivation or two chubby bodies on the move, even with help.

And my work plate has been very full with lots of different opportunities, but my quiet mornings of just writing have been fewer than I’d like. So I am taking this one to record the highlights of this year, since one day I’ll muse about this time, and like every twin mom I know I’ll say to myself, “That first year was a blur” and I’ll wish I had written it all down. So as a gift to my future self, I’m doing just that here.

Having twin babies is like drinking out of a fire hose every day. There is a lot of joy, and laughter and awe and amazement. But there isn’t a lot of rest. There were many, many moments this past year with a line of five urgent things that needed to get done right this second. It was triage. It was ER room-esque shifts, complete with a 12-hour cycle but without the days off. Moms with multiple kids know this feeling. When we had 3 kids 3 and under it was also stressful. But it was a different kind of stress. It was everyone in diapers, no one can get themselves a drink kind of stress.

Having big kids alongside baby wrangling is at once easier and harder. I had baby holders but also big kid schedules to run while I was in the baby trenches. I was coordinating with teachers and doctors and handy men and sitters and family and friends for rides, tests, homework, illnesses, playdates, birthdays and life at the same time as I was sleep deprived and empty and v v busy putting diaper cream on one baby while keeping the other one’s hands out of said diaper cream.

For a good two years my desires – writing and running and working – were slowed while I grew two humans. (And for the record, they were completely and totally worth it.) There was a lot of growing and stretching on the outside, and then on the inside as I had to say no to hard things, dig deep for patience often, cling to prayer, and put others first not once, or twice, but six times over.

This year has taught me so much about pouring yourself out, and about living life moment by moment. It’s surprising that no matter how hard your circumstances are, doing this really does yield joy and peace and a deeper happiness than I have ever known. And the best lesson of this year is celebrating the way that community helps us, and adds so much to our lives.

So here is a look back on some of the big moments of the past year.  The ones that we lived through laughing, white knuckling, praying or celebrating. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought my life would look like this but I am so so grateful it does.

1. Birth Story: There was the end-of-a-twin-pregnancy chapter, which was a special endurance race the likes of which I have never encountered.


And then all of a sudden, they were born.

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We knew that one of the twins was very likely to have Down syndrome from our testing done around week 13. I wrote about it here. But I was so overwhelmed with getting big at the end of the pregnancy, and the strain of every day, that the idea of one of them having Down syndrome receded.

But I remember laying on the c-section table, and hearing the first baby’s cry – it was Michael, and he was so beautiful!


And then I remember laying there, feeling the weirdness of them pulling a baby out of me, watching my husband’s eyes peer over the blue curtain, and when they had pulled the baby out, I knew from the change of his flicker that Ronan had Down syndrome. Then there was a cry, but also an odd silence from the medical team before they cheered this baby too. My husband whispered in my ear what I already knew. Ronan has Down syndrome. 6DAC42CD-FCAF-48B4-BC45-D8A47CA7666B

And he was so stinking cute.


Right after he was born, Rob went over and looked into Ronan’s eyes, and he says he immediately stared into his soul. And most people who meet him say the same thing.


It turns out it’s pretty easy to love a baby with Down syndrome, because they are, um, a baby.


So the rest of the stay was a lot of snuggles and feeding and diaper changes. I didn’t love having a c-section, and as pragmatic as I am and believe the only thing that really matters is what is good for the baby(ies) I missed the way postpartum happens with a vaginal birth. But I was totally in love and in awe of our double blessing!


I worried when there were issues with Ronan feeding in the hospital though. He didn’t nurse well, and he didn’t bottle feed well. And there were issues when we got home. It would take an hour to give him 1-2 mls of milk. We were discharged on Day 4 and on Day 5 a visiting nurse came and spent 3 very unhelpful hours telling me that Ronan ‘just needed a longer nipple’. There was some concern that his body temp was 96 degrees, but I was scheduled to see the pediatrician the next day.


This picture was taken while we were waiting for the pediatrician, who came in and took his temperature, which was 95 degrees and said we needed to go to Boston Children’s Emergency Room right away. I was unprepared for this news, as my snapping the photo at this time may suggest.

2. The NICU + Surgery: Then we enter the chapter that could be called ‘health crisis’ and as anyone who has had one of these knows, they are stressful and hard and harrowing. Especially when you are recovering from a C-section, are nursing a newborn, and have four older kids at home.

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But you get through a crisis through prayers, grace, love and the amazing support of neighbors and family. And we had so much faith and confidence in our doctors at Boston Children’s, and felt so fortunate at the success of Ronan’s pull-through surgery and placement of a g-tube. All those prayers helped!

Still, I was surprised at some of the PTSD that showed up months later. Like every time I saw the gauze pads I used to have to tape around his g-tube, or how how emotional I was this Halloween, remembering a year ago when Ronan was still in the hospital. You feel incomplete when you don’t get to take your baby home with you, when you are worried about vital statistics from an hour away and rely on amazing nurses to show your baby the care you want to give. I know many NICU parents describe this feeling. You don’t take having your baby home and healthy for granted after that.

In fact, Ronan’s whole stay opened my eyes to how many struggles other people go through. I wrote about this period here in this post entitled Love In A Time of NICU. Suffering is hard, but if it leads to compassion for other people that is beautiful.

3. Homecoming/Life with Two Babies:  Ronan’s homecoming was so joyful and at the same time was the beginning of life taking care of two babies. The day after he was discharged, it was Sophie’s birthday. She just admitted to me last week, a year later, how hard it was to have a mom who just had her first night with two babies and was sleep deprived, how she really wanted a sleep over but we had to say no. Though I wished it hadn’t fallen on her birthday and the mom guilt storm brewed mightily, I know there is growth in her too from this experience, and her birthday this year included both a sleepover party and an iPod, so she has recovered, I think.

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We hit our stride around Christmas…


There were still a lot of doctors appointments and sleepless nights but the joy of kids anticipating Christmas is enough to keep a sinking barge afloat, let alone a sleep-deprived mom of twins. I snapped the pic in the very center of this collage, with our little baby Jesus that was left in the diaper bag after a special blessing at church, as I waited for two hours (!) for a cardiologist to meet with us (he was cleared of a slight stenosis that had righted itself, thank God). It ended up being the center photo for the year, which sums it up nicely.


He was at the very center of our year, of our lives, which is where He should be. And why I felt so much joy.

4. Months 2-7: The Crunch

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Overall, the hardest thing about this year was the sleep deprivation. I wrote about on another post (the sleep training one) but in short, my description is this:

There is an acute edge to sleep deprivation. It is subtle, incessant, fluid, crushing, quiet and loud at the same time. Everything you have in you that makes you strong is quiet; everything that overwhelms you and makes you cranky and sucks patience out of you is loud.

I am convinced a babies smiliest days coincide with the hardest days of sleep deprivation.

We also had one of the hardest weekends every when both babies were admitted for pneumonia (Ronan) and bronchiolitis (Michael). I spent 7 hours in the ER on Saturday with Ronan and 6 hours with Michael on Sunday.


Though these babies didn’t sleep that well, they did travel well. They barely ever cried in the car since they always had siblings talking to them or handing them a bottle from the front. We took them to Florida and they did great on the plane!


We also had a lot of trips up to the White Mountains of NH, and to Maine, and they did so well driving in the car. Again big kids helped so much. So much easier than traveling with just little kids.

In reality, these months were very focused on keeping life going for big kids – as I pulled out these pictures of the twins, they were surrounded by pictures of basketball, skiing, eating, performing, dancing, baseball, lacrosse and swimming with our big kids. We didn’t slow down much.


The double twin stroller was a constant fixture in our community. As was the big black van. We survived on wheels and grace.

You might (or might not at all) remember that my husband travels for work. We got through this time with an au pair, but at this point in the year, we lost our trust in her after our dog went missing one weekend when we left her with the big kids for a wedding and she seemed…unconcerned. We very amicably suggested rematch and all learned a lot and still keep in touch.

5. Months 8-12: Flying Solo + More Sleep


Once they started to sleep more, I could breath, though early morning wake ups were still common which was hard when we flowed into the summer, and big kids were home with lots of energy and wanted to stay up late. We had a great summer sitter who helped us survive, and I couldn’t have done it without her since my husband had to travel a lot for work this year.


Signs that I lost my mind include getting an aquarium after a fair fish died:

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And thinking the beach could be fun with twins. It is impossible alone, survivable with two adults, and a much much better idea to get a sitter for the babies and take the big kids, which is what I did a few times.

The thing that really helped us is joining a pool with lifeguards and bringing a playpen the babies could go in. They seemed to do great when they were outside, in the shade, with lots of toys. We brought that playpen everywhere – parties, the beach, BBQs, and the pool. It might be my #1 twin survival tool in addition to the Snap and Go stroller.

And then in August we got another au pair who has worked out great!

Even though it’s still hard and every day is fuuulllllll to the brim, I feel like a new chapter has started for all of us. One with sleep and actually getting dressed, and making plans that a year ago we wouldn’t have. We actually took them out to dinner and a parade this weekend and they did great, I actually got to enjoy both events as opposed to sweating I was working so hard.

I’ve heard that the next year is also a tough one with twins. Things like playgrounds and pools and malls are really hard, and now Ronan is very mobile and into everything too so I am happy/scared to report I think we will have two kids going in two directions.

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Like every parent, the best things about this year is getting to know a new personality (or two). Michael is VERY determined, and very smart and surprisingly sweet. He is always giving the best hugs. Rob calls him Hudini because no matter what gate/chair/box you use to block him from something we will figure out a way to get around it. He said, ‘all done’ at 8 months when I was trying to teach him the baby sign – just skipped right over the hand gestures – and started walking at 10.5 months. He studies everything and is always looking around for who is having the most fun, and then makes a bee-line for that sibling. He is a man of action.

Ronan is such an observer, and surprises us all the time by showing he knows what’s going on. He can manipulate toys better than Michael, and figures out what do with them before his brother even sits down. He LOVES his bath. He also loves 5 am wake ups which were trying to dissuade him from liking. But now that he is crawling the world is his oyster. And I don’t think I have ever seen a human light up the way Ronan does when you pick him up, and then it’s the giggle jackpot if you tickle him.

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Looking back, this year was the first one that mom guilt really ate at me. I think it’s just a part of having twins, since you can’t always give to both of them. I spend a lot of time sitting down on the floor so I can hold them both at the same time and they don’t see me holding one when they are reaching for me. I also feel a strange protection for each of them – when Ronan gets attention or I share about his Down syndrome, I’m trying to make sure the world knows how special I think Michael is too! And when Michael gives kids more reaction and they favor him, I’m like ‘Ronan will get there! He will be so reactive too once he gets to know you!’ So there’s a snap shot into my craziness for you, if you were wondering.

And I am always talking to the older ones about what they need, and trying to carve out special time with each one of them. But on the whole, their adoration for their baby brothers far outweighs any angst. Andrew especially could have felt a lot of growing pains, but he just loves the babies, and tells anyone he sees about them.

When I look back on this year, I have this throbbing nostalgia for how much my other kids have grown while I was so busy. Andrew being 5 is just blowing my mind, and RJ and Sophie are practically teenagers. Lucy is at the best age – 9 – where she is still holding on to girlhood while she tries on big kids qualities and develops the best sense of humor. It’s just the nature of drinking out a firehose that it’s harder to pay attention to what’s going on around it, but I am trying with all of my might, because I want to remember everything about them at these ages.

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People are always asking me how I do it, and the answer is I don’t do it alone.

Love and grace got us through this past year. For the babies, for each other, for the unexpected gifts life brought all of us. God knows how to give the best gifts we don’t even know to ask for, and then he sends the grace to help carry them.

Life with six kids isn’t going to get easier any time soon, but I know that will keep carrying us through, and will keep bringing us so much joy.

Lots of people say we’re crazy (including our close friends!) but when I think about how much fun it is to love these people, I think  it’s crazy not to love this many kids and having this much joy. They are so so worth it.

We love you Michael and Ronan!

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Chicken Fricasse

Have you ever made a dish that you remembered to be just amazing, and then a year went by and you weren’t sure if it would be AS GOOD as you remembered? But then you made it and you realized, YUP it is that good, possibly even better than you imagined.

Just me?

Chicken Fricassee is the dish to make for your next Boss over for dinner/Priest over for dinner/Dinner Party/Birthday/Holiday or just a very special Tuesday night. It’s a classic that should be revived because everyone needs to try this to know that food can taste this good. (It actually dates back all the way to a medieval cook book from 1300’s).

The reason it’s lasted so long through history is because its DELICIOUS. The alchemy of the lemon juice, and the wine, and the fresh herbs, and the vegetables, simmered with cream and egg to make a velvety texture, and then tender chicken that soaks up all the juices, along with rice and bread – it actually makes me close my eyes to take in all that is happening in my mouth, which is my test for the best things I have ever eaten.

Julia Child in Mastering the Art of French Cooking describes a fricassee as “halfway between a sauté and a stew” in that a saute has no liquid added, while a stew includes liquid from the beginning. Technically in a fricassee, cut-up meat is first sauteed but not browned, then liquid is added and it is simmered to finish cooking. But most recipes have you brown the meat first, so I guess there is some room for interpretation.

I knew this to be a classic French dish, but when my au pair from Columbia tasted this she said “you are cooking with flavors from Columbia. This is the type of dish we would make after everyone has been partying all night, and they are hungry again at 1 or 2 in the morning, and this is what they all eat to feel better again.” (If that doesn’t make you want to try this recipe I don’t know what will). But I looked and there is a Spanish popular dishes called fricasé de pollo that has spread to other Spanish speaking countries so clearly this dish has travelled not only through time but geography, again because it is DELICIOUS.

To make it, you start by cutting up your veggies (doing this prep before makes assembling this dish so much easier I highly recommend it) and the chicken (I like smaller pieces than a whole breast):

After you’ve browned the chicken take it out of the pan to rest and start building flavor with the familiar flavors of mirepoix + mushrooms (I used a leek instead of onion but it is good either way). Then you add flour + white wine to this and let it reduce:

^I can’t tell you how good this smelled. The wine, the veggies, the bay leaf. You’ll just have to make it so you can smell it too.

Then, add chicken broth and herbs, and while that heats up, stir together cream and egg yolks. Then – and this is the most complicated part of this recipe but still doable –  you add a little bit of the hot liquid to the cream + egg mixture to temper the eggs so they don’t scramble, but instead create this velvety, creamy, rich complex sauce that holds everything together.  (I used a 1/4 cup instead of a 1/2 cup as the recipe calls for to be extra sure I didn’t add it too quickly!)

Then you add this creamy mixture back to the pan and let everything simmer. Then at the end you add lemon juice and fresh tarragon. These flavors go together so well that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and does that thing that makes me love cooking so much – it becomes something special and magnificent and memorable.

My kids love Rice Pilaf, so I serve it with that but Mash Potatoes or Crusty Bread soak up all that delicious flavor. Or you could just drink it straight. It’s that good.

Last night I was still dreaming of it before I went to bed, and I made a small bowl. And I sat there and thought ‘this is what I would order in any restaurant and be totally blown away and happy.’

I don’t have to wish you Happy Eating with this dish – if you make it I know you will have Happy Eating. Cheers!

xoxo Katie

Chicken Fricassee (I doubled this recipe – printer version here): 

Recipe from the blog Everyday Occasions

4 chicken breasts (I cut them in half for kid portions)

4 chicken thighs (remove skin)

sea salt & black pepper

3 tablespoons of butter

2 tablespoons of olive oil

1 small onion, diced (I used one leek instead, so delicious)

2 carrots, diced

1 rib of celery, dice

8 oz. of mushrooms, sliced

2 tablespoons of flour

1 cup of white wine

3 cups of chicken stock

fresh thyme

bay leaf

1/2 cup of cream

2 egg yolks

2 tablespoons of lemon juice

fresh tarragon

Serving suggestions : Rice, French Bread or Mashed Potatoes

Pat chicken with paper towel.  Season generously with salt and pepper.  Melt butter in a heavy dutch oven. Add oil and brown chicken for 4 minutes on each side.  Remove chicken from pan and set aside.

Cook onions, carrot, celery and mushrooms in the same pot until almost soft.  Sprinkle with flour and cook for another minute until flour is absorbed. Pour in white wine and cook for another minute, stirring.  Add chicken stock, thyme and bay leaf.

In a small bowl, mix cream and egg yolks.  Add a small amount of the hot stew mixture to the cream and yolks, stirring constantly.  Your goal is to slowly warm the eggs so they don’t scramble. Once warmed (after about 2 cups of stew mixture is added), pour into the stew pot with vegetables and simmer for 15-20 minutes, until the mixture reduces and thickens.

Add chicken back into the stew.  Keep simmering until chicken is cooked through.  Keep warm on low simmer or in the oven (about 250) until ready to serve.  Before serving, add lemon, 1 tablespoon of butter and fresh tarragon. Serve with rice, french bread, or mashed potatoes.

See  this and more great recipes from Jenny Steffens at http://jennysteffens.blogspot.com


Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

I realized on my meal plan that I’ve never blogged about a staple meal in our house, probably because it feels so ordinary and I like a little fancy in a recipe to be blog worthy. But sometimes the classics deserve a space too.

Whenever my family comes down with a cold, like countless other mothers, I try to make a batch of this chicken noodle soup. I love how every mom makes it just a little bit differently and puts there own spin on it, so feel free to play around and make this recipe your own. This is my basic recipe but I like to change up the pasta and the herbs each time.

Sure in a pinch a can of soup works, but I don’t love the flavor anymore – it tastes like tin to me and I notice my kids don’t eat it. When you are feeding lots of people its just as easy and way more flavorful and nutritious to take 20 minutes and put a pot of this together. I usually have a batch of homemade stock in the freezer, and it really adds to the homemade, put-marrow-in-your bones feel to this dish, but boxed works fine.

Side note: One of my rules of feeding a family is always feel good about homemade stock, but never feel bad about boxed. Maybe you already know about the peaceful and easy rhythm of using up your rotisserie chicken carcass and bottom of the veggie drawer contents, and how good it makes your house smell. If not, see how I make chicken stock in this (very old!) blog post. 

One of my favorite things about this soup is using really fine egg noodles. They are creamier than spaghetti noodles, but about the same diameter. You might already have a preference, like larger egg noddles, but its fun to play around with the pasta in this soup. Ditalini? Alphabet Shapes? Orzo? All so fun especially for younger kids. But I usually have a bag of this vermicelli egg noodles in my pantry for this soup. It also goes by thin egg noodles in some brands but it’s the same thing.

And as for herbs, play around with those too. In general, bay leaf, thyme, rosemary, sage, and parsley are all perfect here. I use either a tablespoon of freshly chopped or a teaspoon of dried. We like it herby.

I could go on about the health qualities of this soup but I’m not a nutritionist. Ok fine – herbs have potent healing properties and so does garlic, so feel free to double the amount if you like. My mom used to scrape raw garlic on Triscuits when were sick, which you could also do if your children will eat it.

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup (print recipe here):

  1. 2 T. olive oil
  2. 2 medium onions, diced
  3. 5 medium carrots, peeled and sliced
  4. 5 medium celery stalks, sliced
  5. 5 cloves garlic, minced
  6. 8 cups chicken broth
  7. 1 teaspoon dried thyme (or 1 Tablesoon fresh thyme, I was out)
  8. 1 Tablesoon chopped fresh Rosemary (or 1 teaspoon dried Rosemary)
  9. 4 cups chicken, shredded or chopped – you can use raw or cooked, see recipe for when to add
  10. 6 oz. (about half a bag) thin Egg Noodles
  11. salt and pepper to taste
  12. Fresh parsley for garnish
  13. A splash of lemon juice, optional


  1. Melt oil in large pot over medium heat.  Add onion and cook for 3 minutes. Add garlic, cook for 2 minutes more. Add carrots, celery, bay leaves, thyme and rosemary. Cook, stirring frequently, for a few minutes until onion begins to soften and brown a bit.
  2. If using raw cubed chicken add it after herbs and cook for 5 more minutes
  3. Add chicken broth.  Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium low.  Simmer for about 5 minutes.
  4. Add noodles.  Return heat to high.  Bring soup back to a boil.  Reduce heat to medium high. Boil for about 20 minutes until noodles are cooked through.
  5. If using cooked chicken add it here
  6. Taste soup and add additional herbs, salt, and pepper to your preference.
  7. Serve with chopped parsley for garnish

Weekly Meal Plan 10/8

Our trip to the mountains up north made us drink in fall, but everyone came home sick. Time to make a quick batch of homemade soon and try to keep the rest of the week simple with leftover quesadillas (a great way to disguise leftovers) and easy meals that double or roast quickly.


 Rootbeer Pulled Pork Quesadillas 

Had a bunch of this easy crockpot pulled pork recipe from our weekend up north.


Chicken Noodle Soup – everyone was sick 🙁


Spinach & Pancetta Stuffed Shells 

One of my favorite recipes from Giada – fancy enough for company but easy for weeknight dinner. Cook your shells ahead with some oil drizzled in the water and you can keep them in the fridge until you make the stuffing. Also, a great recipe to make double and put into the freezer.


Maple Balsamic Rosemary Pork Tenderloin with Fall Veggies

Delicata Squash is so easy to roast and makes any dish feel elegant.


Think we’ll make our own pizza since we are ordering out on Saturday. This is my favorite pizza crust from one of my favorite food bloggers. It is Todd English’s recipe (Of Olives Restaurant fame).


It’s the twins birthday! We are ordering BBQ out for our friends and family to make it easy.


Roast Chicken 

Going to make more stock from the bones so I can stock our freezer for the next time we are sick.

Easy Eggplant Parm

I know that Eggplant Parm elicits strong feelings in some people. You either like it or you don’t. If you don’t like it, may I suggest checking out my Chicken Parm recipe? It’s similar in construction and my family loves it maybe a bit more than eggplant parm. Still, we try to eat a meatless meal once a week usually on Fridays and this is one I know they’ll eat.

I love eggplant parm – its such comfort food to me.

It is a great meatless meal, and I’m always astounded at how the eggplant takes the place of meat in terms of meatiness, or substance, in a dish.

This is really an assembly dish, and once you get the hang of it you can make it in 15 minutes. The one point of debate I’ve had with others is that they don’t like this dish if the eggplant gets too soggy. A really easy way to avoid this is to salt it before you start breading it. I lay all the slices in a colander with a big handful of kosher salt covering it. Then I put some weight on it to help extract the water.

My weight of choice was a heavy terra cotta planter (#reallife):

Once you’ve rinsed your eggplant from the salt, its time for the standard flour-eggwash-breading assembly line. Be sure to heat up your canola oil in a large fry pan before you start.

It might seem like a lot of work, but it goes very fast and really gives the dish its decadence.

Once you’ve fried all of the eggplant slices, you layer it in your baking dish, with a layer of sauce on the bottom.

And…that’s pretty much it. The hard work is over. Just pour the rest of the sauce on top and layer slices of mozzarella. Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes or until cheese is bubbly and browned.

Hope your family loves this dish as much as mine! (ps even the babies loved it!)

Happy Eating, xoxo Katie


Easy Eggplant Parm (printer version here): 

2 eggplants, sliced 1 inch thick

Kosher salt

½ cup flour

3 eggs, beaten

1 cup bread crumbs

1 cup parmesan cheese, grated

¼ canola oil + more for frying

2 jars of good quality marinara sauce (we love Rao’s)

1 large package of sliced fresh mozzarella (enough to have 9 slices)


Slice eggplant and lay in a colander in layers, generously salting eat layer to draw out water.

When each layer is sliced place a plastic plate or container on top and lay something heavy such as tin cans or a heavy bowl on top. This will help draw out more water. Wait 15 minutes, then rinse well.


While the eggplant is being salted, lay out three trays or plates.  Put the flour on one plate, the eggs on a second, and the breadcrumbs, parmesan, and a pinch of salt mixed together on a third.

Preheat oven to 350.

Warm up ¼ cup of Canola oil in a large frying pan on medium heat.

Working in an assembly line fashion, take a slice of eggplant, press it in the flour plate, then the egg plate, then the breadcrumbs/parm mixture. Then place into the hot oil. When the pan is filled, flip the eggplant rounds starting with the first one you put in the pan. It should look golden brown. If not, let it cook for a little longer. When both sides are golden, remove eggplant slices and sprinkle with a pinch of kosher salt while still warm.

Keep working until you’ve breaded and fried all of the eggplant slices.

In a large 9 x 13 inch pan, pour a thin layer of the marinara sauce to prevent the eggplant from sticking to the pan. Then layer in the fried eggplant in slices until dish is full. Then pour the rest of the marinara sauce on top. Lay slices of fresh mozzarella on top.

Bake for 30-35 minutes or until mozzarella is melted on top.

Let cool for 5 minutes, then serve over favorite cooked pasta.


Weekly Meal Plan 10/2

Hello October!

Fall is my favorite. We’re planning on heading north for the long weekend, and will be eating out at our favorite places to keep it simple. But I’m planning on doubling the beef stew just in case! It travels really well and gets better each day.

Here’s what we’re having this week. Happy Fall! xoxo Katie


Root Vegetable Shepherd’s Pie – this was my daughter’s dinner choice since it was her Saint’s Day, St. Therese the Little Flower. I am linking my Root Vegetable version (usually post my Easy Shepherd’s Pie) for a little change.


Stuffed Chicken Breasts 


Eggplant Parm


Instapot Beef Stew 

Friday, Saturday, Sunday 

Going North & Eating Out – Time to look at all the peak foliage in the White Mountains.

Weekly Meal Plan 9/24

This week we celebrated our Anniversary! 14 Annos…

But we are also celebrating cooler temps, and craving all the stews, soups and chilis. Making a lot of them this week which means plenty of great leftovers for lunches the next day.

Happy official start of Fall! xoxo Katie



Macaroni & Cheese Casserole with Broccoli and Chicken

This is an easy dinner to put together since we were going out. I just added Rotisserie Chicken and put the broccoli in the pasta to cook together for 4 minutes. Ground beef is great too. If you can’t find the box mix above you can use any mac & cheese mix your family likes, but this recipe looks great and only takes 20 minutes.


Chicken Stir Fry


Sausage, Kale and Lentil Stew 

N.B. – This might be my favorite recipe on the whole food blog.


Chicken Tamale Pie




Instapot Beef Stew 

This is the fastest way to make beef stew, but its also the tastiest! Something about the Instapot infuses flavor and makes the beef so tender. You can also make this in the slow cooker if you don’t have an Instapot.



Creamy Parmesan Garlic Mushroom Chicken

Well, it’s official.

The babies like mushrooms. And a garlic cream sauce on their food.

My husband doesn’t love mushrooms but I do, and it’s always interesting to see if any of the kids share his aversion. So far its mushroom lovers 6: haters 2.

I actually forget to make dinner with mushrooms because he doesn’t like them (and rely on Trader Joe’s Mushroom Medley in my freezer for goat cheese and mushroom omelets).

But when someone had shared this dinner on Facebook it was all I could think about all day.
So I made sure to get some mushrooms when I ran to the store that day, and fired up this dinner. I should add that I made a second pan without mushrooms for the mushroom haters.
Everyone loved the creamy garlic sauce, and my kids had it over pasta, while we had it over spaghetti squash. It was such a great comfort food dinner. My five year old actually declared, “Mom, I like chicken now!” so that says something.
I used whole chicken breasts in this recipe, even though the original recipe calls for thinly slicing them. Next time I will do this step, or use chicken tenders. In order to cook the chicken through the drippings in the pan got a bit dark, making the sauce dark. So, if you want a light colored sauce and shorter cooking time, skip the whole chicken breasts. But it still tasted delicious. And if you were really in a hurry you could easily shred a rotisserie chicken into the sauce.
This is definitely going to be in our dinner rotation this winter. Hope it makes it to yours too!
Happy Eating, xoxo Katie
Creamy Parmesan Garlic Mushroom Chicken (printer version here):
INGREDIENTS (serves 4, I doubled everything and added the extra mushrooms to just one pan)
  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, thinly sliced
  • 2 Tablespoons Olive oil
  • Salt Pepper
  • 8 ounces sliced mushrooms
  • Creamy Parmesan Garlic Sauce:
  • ¼ cup butter
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • ½ cup chicken broth
  • 1 cup heavy cream or half and half
  • ½ cup grated parmesan cheese
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup spinach, chopped
  1. In large skillet add olive oil and cook the chicken on medium high heat for 3-5 minutes on each side or until brown on each side and cooked until no longer pink in center. Remove chicken and set aside on a plate. Add the sliced mushrooms and cook for a few minutes until tender. Remove and set aside.
  2. To make the sauce add the butter and melt. Add garlic and cook until tender. Whisk in the flour until it thickens. Whisk in chicken broth, heavy cream, parmesan cheese, garlic powder, pepper and salt. Add the spinach and let simmer until it starts to thicken and spinach wilts. Add the chicken and ,mushrooms back to the sauce and serve over pasta is desired.

Recipe from The Recipe Critic and can be found on the web here.

Weekly Meal Plan 9/17

This week we have 2 birthdays in our house! It is a busy week but I have been loving doing our meal planning a head of time especially during busy weeks.


Chicken Taco Bowls 

Everyone loves this dinner and it is so easy, its on heavy rotation.


Mini Meatloaves with Honey Mustard Sauce

(it’s my husband’s birthday and thats what he asked for!)


Tortellini Soup 


Creamy Tuscan Garlic Chicken




Steak Salad 


Going out to Japanese Steakhouse for a 9th birthday celebration!

My Kids’ Favorite Chili

I love how the cooler temps have made all of our bellies crave the comfort food of fall. Chili is always my first go-to meal at the start of fall, and I love nothing more than to make a huge pot from scratch, cowboy style, mixing cumin and chili powder and oregano and garlic, and loading it with peppers and beef and beans.

However, my kids don’t like to eat this kind of chili. They don’t love heat, or peppers, or beans, or my own personal blend of chili seasonings.

When the twins were born and neighbors dropped off meals, one of our friends brought her chili and my kids devoured it. I texted her how she made it, and voila, this was her secret weapon (thanks Carmen!):

Not only did she use McCormick’s Mild seasoning packet, but she also loaded it with sweet potatoes, which actually makes this chili a little sweet. It’s no wonder my kids devoured it.

And even though my daughter doesn’t love beans, I use less in this version than I do in my cowboy style chili and she doesn’t mind. And using two types of meat gives it such a great texture, plus the smokiness from the kielbasa gets infused in the whole pot.

I love that I can keep all of the ingredients for this in my freezer and pantry. Last winter I made this almost every weekend because the kids unanimously shouted ‘yes’ every time I asked them if they wanted me to make it. It cooks up fast, about 10 minutes active time and 20 minutes inactive. This recipe makes a double batch so there are lots of leftovers. The kids pack it up for school in a thermos, or eat it after school. And it is a great go-to lunch for me when I am flying through the day.

Also if we had to be out all day doing sports or other things, I would put this in a crock pot on low and it is ready to eat when we walk in the door.

So as the temps start to fall and sweaters and scarves come out, put a pot of this on and curl up with your fam and watch a movie. And then do it again the next day since you’ll have so many leftovers.

Happy Eating! xoxo Katie


My Kid’s Favorite Chili (printer version here): 

Serves about 16, you may want to halve the recipe if you’re not feeding a crowd

2 T. olive oil

2 onions, chopped

4 cloves garlic, minced

2 lbs. ground beef

1 large (or 2 small) sweet potato, cubed

2 packages McCormick’s Chili Seasoning Mild

2 cans diced tomatoes

2 cans kidney beans

1 turkey kielbasa, halved and sliced



Heat oil in a dutch oven or large pot. Add onions and sautee 3-5 minutes. Add garlic and cook for 2-3 minutes more. Add ground beef and cook through. Sprinkle McCormick’s chili packets over meat mixture and stir for 1 minute. Then add tomatoes, sweet potatoes, beans and kielbasa. Simmer for 20 minutes or until sweet potatoes are tender, adding water if it gets too thick.

Serve with your favorite chili toppings like shredded cheese, onions, sour cream, lime juice and chips.