Meal Plan Week of June 4th
Guess who is sleeping again and is in love with the world?

Yup. We’re all back to our chipper selves.
It’s just in time too because we have a lot trips coming up this month, and it’s my birthday on Friday. This weekend we are headed to my husband’s 20th College Reunion at Bates College in Maine. We are sleeping in the dorms with ALL six kids. Send prayers and wine (although its college, so probably beer instead).
Then it is back to Maine four days later for our annual trip to Lake Sebago. Its technically a work trip for my husband but we have seen the same families for four years (hi Darlene!) and watched their babies grow up…and they’ve watched our family get bigger every year. Can’t wait! We’ll be back just in time for the last week of school.
With all the travel, I’m trying to clean out our freezer and pantry a bit. As some of you know we buy our beef from our favorite Vermont farmer, Bob Standard at Vermont Natural Beef. I also found lots of ground turkey on sale, and all these recipes can use either one, obviously.
I grew up in Chicago where we called this Beef Mac, but when I googled it this recipe was closer to how I make it. I add a ton of extra veggies to this – kale, spinach, zucchini, carrots whatever I have on hand to clean out the fridge. Need to blog how I do this but this recipe is close.
Mini Meatloaves with Roasted Oven Potatoes
I make these all the time (you might have seen me make it on Instastories). It’s so quick and easy and my kids love it with the Honey Mustard + Ketchup Sauce. If you’d prefer it with bacon on top I did that version here.

Just like the Chop Suey, I load my lasagna with veggies. My kids don’t mind them if they are soft and mixed into lasagna so I think of this a one of our healthier meals.

Mediterranean Stuffed Chicken Breasts
(Or if I get really lazy I am doing Chicken Taco Bowls in the Crock Pot. Again. But these are SO good and I have been craving them, so here’s hoping I can get all my packing done.)

I’m going out to dinner with my husband, my best friend and her amazing new husband! Right after Lacrosse and Baseball. But still exciting! The kids are having pizza, and we are probably going to our favorite seafood restaurant in Portsmouth called Surf. But I have always wanted to make this Concussion Chicken from Courtney at A Life From Scratch, so if you are looking for a new dish here you go.
This is my actual birthday, and my husband is making all the plans for the reunion. I am not sure where we are eating, but I know there is a box of Ramen noodles (remember those in the dorm rooms!) coming with us per my daughter so at least we have that. Still can’t believe we are staying in dorms again. With our kids. And with TWO babies. But if you are looking to up your creative juices for summertime, check out these 21 Adaptable Summer Recipes You Should Memorize from the NYT Cooking site (no pressure! they’re meant to help you be free and creative. The Ratatouille and Layered Vegetable Torte have my name on them for sure.)
Cafeteria food? The fried chicken fingers at the local pub? Again, the hubby is planning it but IF I were home I would LOVE to make this Oven Roasted Chicken Shawarma with all the fixings. I have been on SUCH a chicken shawarma kick since I discovered and amazing Middle Eastern Cafe right next to my son’s preschool. He’s only there for one more week (cue all the mom tears) so I better get my fix next week. After that, I’ll be recipe testing at home for sure. UPDATE: He just sent me an email saying there is a formal dinner. Yay for packing 6 dress up outfits.