The Twins Are Finally Here

{Welcome to the world Michael Seamus and Ronan Christopher Curtis. Born 10/13/17. Michael was 6 lb 7 oz and Ronan was 6 lb 6 oz, both 20 inches long.}
The twins were born after my last scheduled non-stress test, when I was discovered to be 2 cm dilated and my OB didn’t want me to go the weekend with breech twins and partially dilated, since a prolapsed cord (or the umbilical chord being able to hang down out of the uterus, possibly cutting off blood flow) was a big risk and a danger to the babies.
It was a blissful 5 days despite Ronan’s difficulty eating. Then his body temp started to move south, until 6 days after their birth it was down to 94 degrees, and we were sent to Boston Children’s Hospital. Ronan was diagnosed with Hirschsprung’s Disease, which is one of the complications many Down syndrome babies experience. The treatment is surgery to remove parts of his intestines that are not working due to missing nerve cells.
We are waiting for this surgery for Ronan in one week, and are so hopeful it will put him on a good path. We are so thankful to everyone who has reached out with love and care and offers to help our family, and most especially all the prayers. We can feel them.