Weekly Meal Plan 9/9
Our kids had no school Tuesday due to voting so I am behind on everything – it was like the weekend lasted until Wednesday morning.
The temps have blessedly started falling and it is making us start to crave all the fall dinners. I have a couple of recipes that I can’t wait to test out and share soon. And my husband and I are going on an overnight at a nearby beautiful hotel (The Wentworth By the Sea). I am so excited for a getaway, even if its only for 24 hours, especially since the restaurant their, Salt, has the best food and is probably my favorite restaurant on the Seacoast.
Hope your week is great and filled with good food!
Happy Eating, xoxo Katie
Pork Loin with Apples and Roasted Veggies

Pizza – we are so in deep with this habit. We usually don’t eat meat Fridays and it’s an easy way to do it!

Rob and I are sneaking away for 24 hours! Of course I still feel the need to leave food form my people so making a double batch of this.